DOK Novak Đoković hara planetom koja je u Australiji imala priliku da vidi ludu srpsku euforiju i scene slavlja kakve beli sport ne pamti, zapadnim medijima kao da nije jasno kako je to uopšteo moguće.

Komentari (2)


01.02.2023. 21:39

Ми Срби знамо да волимо.Запад се смеје вештачки и тако и воли.Ми волимо из душе.И код нас су почели да се смеју вештачки е то није добро.


02.02.2023. 02:15

They are saying that every time someone from Serbia wins something we try to politically or nationally prove something which is a lot of crap. They (the West) trying to prove that they are only right world and everyone else is looking for democracy that only them can provide. Democracy is respect and be equal and that’s exactly what they doing to the rest of the world, taking it from them. Nole is something that they will never have and understood what that is. He is not perfect but he is hundred times better than them. That’s why he is loved by normal people.